
 I sincerely hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas!

 I know many of you were disappointed NOT to have one of these beautiful stockings

last year so I want you to know that my calendar is already filling very quickly for 2016. 

I do still have a few openings so I would ask that you place your order ASAP. 

You needn't make any payment until I begin work, but if you wish to secure a slot,

I would highly recommend that you order now.

Please email me at

 orders@stockingsnuffers.com or phone at 205 618 9653 and place your order.

I wish you all an incredible New Year........full of health, love and prosperity.





I would like to welcome you to my Handmade Hand Sewn Christmas Stocking Showroom!  My name is Diane Snuffer and I am so pleased to introduce you to the world of beautiful handmade Christmas stockings.  After more than two decades of making these stockings for family and friends, I have now been on the internet for five years offering these treasures to so many more wonderful folks.  You can quickly see that these personalized, sequined, beaded, three dimensional 18" stockings are not your average Christmas stockings.  I am very honored that they have become cherished family heirlooms in so many homes across America and I would like to extend an invitation to you to have these beautifully crafted stockings as a part of your Christmas celebration! 

Why purchase one of these stockings from me you might ask?  I can tell you that each stocking is sewn with great care and special attention to detail just as if I were making it for my own loved one.  I purchase high quality hologram sequins for extra brilliance and each stocking is lined which gives it such a beautifully finished appearance.  These stockings are studded with embellishments that dance in the light of your Christmas tree or fireplace.  Absolutely NO shortcuts are ever taken and if you read my testimonials I think you will see what others think of my craftsmanship.  When you put your heart into something, it truly shows. 

I have so many beautiful designs on this site and I try very hard to point out to you as many of the details as I can in my descriptions because you want to make just the right decision for that very special someone.  And remember too, they make wonderful gifts for anyone who loves to decorate their home because each one is a decoration in itself.  They will absolutely delight children and adults alike and I can promise you that "oohs" and "aahs" will be the reaction of everyone who sees them!

I would be honored if you would take the time to look at the many stockings that I am offering.   As each one takes me anywhere from 40-60 hours to sew, you can plainly see why I can only make a limited amount each year. And please keep in mind, that pictures, while worth a thousand words, cannot quite do justice to the shimmering beauty of these amazing stockings.  I sincerely hope that you will look around and please let me know if there is a stocking that I can make "just" for you!

Thank you for visiting us and remember, there are only:

days before Christmas!!


Things Remembered